FUTURLAB, represented by Enric Bas as guest speaker, has participated with a conference entitled “Foresight for Innovation. On participatory methods, empathy and the design of effective networks” at the 2018 International Seminar in Foresight and Innovation organized by the GPEI – Research Group in Strategy, Internationalization and Innovation / School of Management at UFGRS- Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brasil).

PROSPECTIVA E INNOVACIÓN EN BRASIL. FUTURLAB, representada por Enric Bas en calidad de ponente invitado, ha participado con una conferencia titulada “Foresight for Innovation. On participatory methods, empathy and the design of effective networks” en el 2018 International Seminar in Foresight and Innovation organizado por el GPEI – Research Group in Strategy, Internationalization and Innovation / School of Management at UFGRS- Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brasil).